Indonesia’s Rising Intolerance: An Economic Explanation of Why the Silent Majority Will Remain Silent
Acts of intolerance have been growing steadily over the past year or so in our nation; from horrible killings of Ahmadi citizens, never-ending disputes of church buildings, and lately the protests that led to the cancellation of Lady Gaga’s concert in Jakarta. Reknowned international media like Time, The New York Times, and even The Wall-Street Journal have written articles condemning them. Though it might seem that Indonesians are more intolerant than ever, many still believe Indonesia is just as tolerant, but the majority of people are silent while the small radical minorities are making all the headlines. Hence the term ‘the silent majority’. I will make the case that the reason the silent majority will not speak up is simply because it is uneconomical for them to do so, at least as of today. Simple cost-benefit analysis could show why they will only stay inside their houses and condemn the acts of violence and intolerance only from Twitter and blogs instead of rallyi...