Yah kemarin (14/09/2010) keluar ide untuk nge-twit soal #urinal di toilet2. Post disini ah biar abadi :) What I'm about to tweet is kind of 'sampah'. So be advised. It all started a couple of weeks ago when @awinoto, @chandramichael and I were in a men's room #urinal We had a discussion about the right number of urinals there should be at a men's room #urinal Now let's make some assumptions. The average guy wants to stay clear at least one #urinal away from the guys next to him. So the perfect arrangement would be for there to be an odd number of urinals, and each person stays one urinal away from the next. Only if it's occupied that you go on the rest. #urinal But there are guys that don't give a shit, and this is troublesome. Let's call guys like these douche-bags, or just douche. #urinal They either piss next to somebody and be a total asshole, or stay 2 urinals away from the other guy, thus making the perfect arrangement impossible. #urinal Think...
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